Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday {#24}

Hosted by Breaking the Spine, a way to share upcoming highly anticipated releases.

My highly anticipated release this week is Ever After by Kim Harrison with an expected release date of January 22nd, 2013.  

The ever after, the demonic realm that parallels the human world, is shrinking. If it disappears completely, so does all magic. It's up to witch-turned-daywalking-demon Rachel Morgan to avert catastrophe and keep life from changing... for the worse.

While saving the world is important, it isn't Rachel's only motivation. There's also the small fact that she caused the ley line to rip in the first place, setting off a chain reaction of unfortunate events. That little mistake has made her life forfeit unless she can fix it. It's also made her more than a few enemies, including the most powerful demon in the ever after—a terrifying entity who eats souls and now has an insatiable appetite for her. He's already kidnapped her friend and goddaughter to lure her out, and if Rachel doesn't give herself up soon, they'll die.

But Rachel has more than a few impressive and frightening skillls of her own, and she isn't going to hand over her soul and her life without one hell of a fight. She's also got a surpise: elven tycoon Trent Kalamack. With this unlikely ally beside her—a prospect both thrilling and unnerving—she's going to return to the ever after, kick some demon butt, rescue her loved ones... and prevent an apocalypse before it's too late. Or, at least that's the plan...

This is one of my absolute favorite series out there and I CANNOT FREAKING WAIT for this book!  The series is winding down but not in the least bit stale.  Book #11 in the series looks just as action packed as before and the anticipation is killing me!  There is still so much ground to cover and if there's a possibility that Rachel gets an HEA, I would hope it's finally, and openly, moving in that direction.  TEAM TRENCH!!!

So what's your WOW???

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~Emmy @ Sinfully Delicious Book Reviews